Tuesday, April 17, 2007

33 dead

Virginia Tech. Before I went to bed last night Fox News Channel was reporting 1 dead and 1 injured. When I woke up, that number rose to 33 dead including the gunman.

God bless the families of the victims.

Thursday, April 5, 2007

A two and a seven

I didn't have a great plan for my birthday. But I did have a plan. Fasting and reflecting. I wanted to spend it by fasting and reflecting. Months ago I had a better plan. Go on a solitary retreat. I have a college classmate who had spent birthdays going on a retreat and I wanted to try it. But somehow I forgot about this better plan and it was too late when I remembered it. Fasting and reflecting is a fine alternative.

But I didn't even get to do it, completely. Somebody with a grudge ruined the plan. Worse is I actually half-expected she'd try to ruin the day.

So I went to see Pursuit of Happyness. My parents had better things to do, of course, than go with me to the movies, any movie. The movie was great. I got teary-eyed in the end. I don't think I was ever so happy for a character in a movie so as to be moved. But there I was, happy for Will Smith's character. I felt exactly the same when Charlie Bucket got the last Golden Ticket when I read Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Yeah, it is a children's book, but I was very happy for Charlie for getting the last ticket. In both movie and book, I knew the feeling. Both stories felt familiar.

At the end of the day, a lot of friends wished me well. And I thanked them all and wished something for them, instead of something for me. About a year ago, I blogged that if there's a day that I could skip once a year, it would have to be my birthday. This is true still. I'm not comfortable with all the attention that I get. I just want to skip it.



the birds stopped singing
they just chirp
the trees stopped dancing
they just sway
the winds stopped talking
they just whisper

veronika thought
and she decided to die

and it paved the way for
other people deciding to live

the decision to take her life,
helped others decide to cherish their's
the irony that's killing her
is breathing life to other souls


Read Paulo Coelho's Veronika Decides To Die. Ironically, it's a story about living.