Monday, August 25, 2008

On the seas

It's over an hour since our ship left the port of Cagayan de Oro bound for Cebu. Out of curiosity I powered up my laptop and tried to see if I could get a Weroam signal in (somewhat) the middle of the sea. There is a signal, but only a GPRS one which is the slowest (dialup) among the possible signal available on Weroam. Nice. Not great, but nice.

I feel a little sad of leaving Cagayan de Oro again. This is what I don't like in going home. I have to leave it again. And I feel sad every time. It's not a cliche. There's no place like home.

Looking forward to the planned white water rafting activity this November and the Camiguin trip this December with college friends. I hope both plans push through.

1 comment:

  1. We're all looking forward to these adventures! hehehe
