high drama
it's not enough to say
"you're beautiful"
the birds must sing
with such delight
as you pass by
it's not right to say
"you've such sweet smile"
my heart must leap
and my spirit fly
because you smiled
"you're friendly"
isn't gonna cut it
the sun must shine
like never before
after years of storm
"you've lovely voice"
is quite simplistic
my ears must flutter
and my heart dance each time
you whisper my name
i couldn't just say
"i miss you"
i have to say
"my heart yearns to see you again"
soon my friend
it's not enough to say
"you're beautiful"
the birds must sing
with such delight
as you pass by
it's not right to say
"you've such sweet smile"
my heart must leap
and my spirit fly
because you smiled
"you're friendly"
isn't gonna cut it
the sun must shine
like never before
after years of storm
"you've lovely voice"
is quite simplistic
my ears must flutter
and my heart dance each time
you whisper my name
i couldn't just say
"i miss you"
i have to say
"my heart yearns to see you again"
soon my friend
One long goodbye
The picture is that of I-forgot-what-hole of the Del Monte Golf Course in Manolo Fortich, Bukidnon. I took it September 17, 2006, hours before a phone conversation with a friend, to whom I dedicate the poem, a conversation where she told me she's boarding a plane that would take her to a city far from Cagayan de Oro (the city otherwise known as Los Angeles, CA). I thought we'll never see each other for a very long time.
I thought she'd never return. I was wrong, she did. I thought I was saying goodbye to her back then. That, too, was wrong. It's only now, five months later, that I am truly beginning to say goodbye. How ironic, too, that it's happening when she has returned. How things have changed from when I talked to her that night of September 17, to when I wrote the poem October 1, to now.
I'm beginning to say goodbye. Will it ever end? Shoud I even say goodbye?
dnt give me dat
drama, watevr u
col it. m tyrd...
- the friend to whom i dedicate this poem
drama, watevr u
col it. m tyrd...
- the friend to whom i dedicate this poem
Ears a flutter?
Fluttering ears. Now there's a pretty picture.
I believe I'm loved when I'm completely by myself
- Savage Garden, Affirmation
- Savage Garden, Affirmation
Happy Valentines diha nimo carlmans. =)